

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

200 Dead Cows Discovered In Wisconsin

First birds in two states, then crickets, then crabs? And now cows? These randomly dying animals have folks concerned that this is the end of days for real.

But scientists are saying there is no need to panic because this type of sh*t happens every day… sort of.

In another mysterious case of mass animal deaths, roughly 200 cows dropped dead in Stockton, Wisconsin.

The cattle owner went to check on his animals Friday, only to find them dead in the field.

The mysterious animal deaths continue — thousands of birds have already dropped from the sky in Alabama and Romania, and schools of fish have died suddenly in Maryland and Brazil.

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey say that such mass animal deaths are not actually that rare, and that there have been at least 16 documented instances in the past 30 years.

While theories of government experiments and signs of the apocalypse abound, a more likely explanation may be a respiratory condition called “red nose”, or infectious bovine rhinotracheitis. The illness is a contagious virus that takes over the animal’s windpipe, quickly spreading to cattle that haven’t been vaccinated.

The disease does not affect humans or other animals.

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